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How the box works

  • GreenBox cloud server is the “brains” and determines the switching schedule in a secure environment

  • Commands are issued to the GreenBox at desired frequency (< 1 minute) over wifi

  • GreenBox enables relays to switch between heating sources, relying on the furnace’s 24V comms wires

  • Allows for normal equipment ramp up / down cycles so as to not damage equipment

  • GreenBox does not interfere with the cooling cycle, but could assist with electric utility demand response programs

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From box to cloud

  • The homeowner uses their thermostat using set points for heating

  • The cloud server continuously monitors gas and electric rates, temperature and demand response events

  • When the thermostat issues a call for heat, the cloud server issues a command to the GreenBox, which adjusts internal relays

  • The GreenBox redirects dispatch signals to heat pump and furnace depending on desired parameter

  • Internal sensors monitor calls for heat and dispatch signals and log data to the cloud server for monitoring and product improvement

How it all works together

Upgrades involve both hardware and software integration

Expertise will come from in-house and external contractors directed by committed project team members with technical experience.

Over-the-air, seamless updates

Cloud server allows for over-the-air and remote updates to set electricity, natural gas rates, local temperature.

Leveraging cloud server and open AI

The cloud and open protocols offer unparalleled flexibility and adaptability to change optimization parameters and update software / settings.

Refining the optimization algorithm

Opportunity to improve and augment the control algorithm to calculate detailed cost of heating for different heat pumps and gas furnace operation.

Any questions, concerns or suggestions for improvement?
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